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Project Report for Bank Loan - By CA

Apply at lowest priced CMA Report and Project report for Bank Loan, Mudra Loan CC Limit and Startups. Project Report is prepared by CA to get loan from Banks.

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User Review's:

Discussed my new business set up requirements with CA and they made my customized report for loan.

Tsewang Sangrup
Tsewang Sangrup


Discussed Free with CA and then paid for report. Their team guided for figures checked by bank in report.

Jaspreet Kaur
Jaspreet Kaur


My mudra loan approved by Bank with Easy Return Project Report

Narinder Dogra
Narinder Dogra


Consulted CA for a custom project report, Easy Return team guided me, and my loan was approved!

Vikas Singla
Vikas Singla


Why Project Report for Bank Loan is required by Bank?

The Project Report for Bank Loan is asked by Govt. Bank for issuing following types of Loan

Mudra Loan

Startup India Loan


CC Limit Loan

Machinery Loan

The bank may ask project report for bank loan of 3 to 7 Years depend on number of year loan is required by client.

Exciting BENEFITS of Easy Return

Our CA's will Create CMA Report and Project Report for Bank Loan

Prepared After Discussion

Prepared After Discussion

Our Experts Create a CMA Report and Project Report for Bank Loan after discussing with You. To make process Simple.

Open to Modifications

Open to Modifications

Banks may demand multiple changes in reports and documents during the process. We are ready for changes in CMA Report and Project report for Bank loan without any extra charges.

Acceptable by Banks

Acceptable by Banks

Our CMA Report and Project reports for Bank Loan are widely accepted by the Banks and Financial Agencies for issuing all kind of Loans and CC Limits.

A Quick Guide:

What is the format of Project Report for Bank Loan?

The Project report for bank Loan format consists details and projection of business future years Assets, Liabilities, Profit & Loss Account,  Fund Flow, Debt Repayment Capacity and Financial Ratios. Here is details of particulars in project report for Bank Loan-


There are two types of Assets shown in Project Report for Bank Loan

1. Fixed Assets

The assets that business plans to use for long term and  more than 12 months in life for Example- Furniture, Machinery, Vehicles etc.

2. Current Asset

The assets that business plans to use for short Term and less than 12 months in life for Example- Stock, Receivables, Bank Balances etc.

3. Financial Ratios

These ratio help banks to analyses the business financial strength , Margin in Loan to Asset, Repayment of Loan capacity, Liquidity in business etc.


The Liability part is divided in three parts in Project Report for Loan which are as follows-

1. Capital Fund

This is fund introduced by owner of firm which can be Proprietor, Partnership firm, Pvt Ltd or Public Ltd Company.

2. Long Term Liabilities

The long term liabilities are liabilities which are payable after period of 12 months for Example- Bank Term Loan, Any other Loan etc.

3. Current Liabilities

The current liabilities are liabilities which are payable within 12 months for example Vendor Payables, Salary Payable, etc.

Financial Ratio

1. Operating Profit Ratio

Operating Profit  means profit derived by business from main core business activities without including any other non operating profit like Interest Income, Capital Gain Income, Sale of Business Assets.

2. Profit before Tax Ratio

 The profit before Tax means the Net profit before Income Tax divided by Net Sales.

3. Current Ratio

The current ratio means the current assets divided by current Liabilities. The current assets are assets which are recoverable is period of 1 Year like Stock, Sales Receivables, Bank Balances etc. The Current Liabilities means assets which are payable in 1 years like Purchase Payables, Expense Payable, Loan Paayable etc.

The minimum current ratio accepted by Bank is 1.5 .

For Example

Current Assets  Rs.150000

Current Liabilities  Rs. 100000

The current Ratio in project report will be 1.5.

Total Loan to Net worth Ratio

The loan to Net worth ratio is calculated in project  Report by dividing Total loan amount  with total net worth of Business.

The net worth means the current amount holed by founders in Business.

PBDIT & Interest Ratio

The PBDIT means profit before deducting deprecation , Interest Expense and Tax. In this, Interest amount is divided by PBDIT to calculate how bigger is  business profit than Interest. 

Debt to Liquid Fund Ratio

This ratio is calculated in project Report by dividing Debt payable during the year with Liquid Fund available during the year. This ratio is calculated to check whether the business will have enough Cash fund to repay the Bank debt during the year.

The minimum Debt to Liquid fund ratio is 3 accepted by Banks.

Inventory to Purchase Ratio

The inventory to purchase ratio is calculated to check the how many days stock is maintained  by business on annual Basis. This ratio is calculated by dividing the Closing Stock with Purchase of whole year

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What are the key components of Project Report?

The Project Report has 6 key components:

Introduction of Report

It gives brief idea of Business of applicant, Founder details, Loan Requirement, Application of funds.

Repayment Schedule

It shows how the loan and interest will be repaid to bank over the period of loan granted.

Profit & Loss account

The profit & Loss account show past year and projected years expected Sales, Purchase, closing stock, Gross Profit, Business Expenses like Administration, Rental, Salary , Interest, Depreciation , Taxes , Net Profit etc.

Balance Sheet

The Balance sheet is divided into two parts Assets & Liabilities. The assets contain all the rights, property, investments, Machinery & Equipment’s, Fund receivable from debtors, Bank Balance & other Deposit. On other side liabilities contain, the sources of fund to meet asset which could be Capital fund brought by Prop or shareholders, Loan form Banks, Vendor payables or other payables.

Fund Flow Statement

This Fund flow statement includes the liquid fund received during the year and utilization of fund towards the business. The bank has to ensure the business maintain adequate fund to maintain business requirement and repayment of loan at due dates. It help in analyses that business does not shortfall cash liquidity due to which long term goals of business are compromised.

Why Project Report for Bank Loan is Rejected by Banks?

These are 4 common reasons why your Project report for Loan is rejected by Bank.

The project report is detailed report of business future years Assets, Liabilities, Profit & Loss Account,  Fund Flow, Debt Repayment Capacity and Financial Ratios. These documents are prepared by CA and experts after analyisng the business loan requirement and Bank rules.

There are following reason for rejection of Project report for Bank Loan:

Reason 1: Report prepared by Non Professional

Today there are many nonprofessionals in market who give report at without analyzing the report if it will be accepted by Banks. The project report should be thoroughly analyzed by experts to check whether it is meeting the bank criteria or not. The report prepared by business from online tools is mostly rejected because they do not meet the bank criteria.

Reason 2: Project Report for Bank Loan prepared by self from Online Tools

There are many websites who provide online tools to attract customer to prepare project report for bank loan by self in 10 minutes. However, the project report prepared by business man himself from these tools mostly does not meet bank criteria because the project report consist many details like Future Assets, Liabilities, Fund Flow, Working Capital, Profit & Loss account about which business man is not aware.

There are better chances of Loan Approval of Project Report of Bank Loan prepared by CA & Experts.

Reason 3: Incomplete Project Report for Bank Loan

There are many samples and formats available on internet to create project report for Bank loan. However these formats are Incomplete and does not contain vital financial parameters and Key Financial Ratios.

It is always suggested to get the project report for bank loan prepared by qualified professional only.

Click here to Apply for Project report for Bank Loan to be prepared by CA’s and Finance Expert at Easy Return.

Reason 4: Project report not prepared according the Bank Loan scheme.

There are many schemes by Government and Banks to provide loan to your business.

For example Loan under

  • Mudra Scheme
  • CGTMS Scheme
  • National Small Industrial Corporation Loan
  • SIDBI Loan
  • Credit-Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme.
  • Any State Government Scheme

However many reports submitted to banks are not as per the scheme requirement.

Consult a Professional CompanyEasy Return to get the Project Report for Bank Loan prepared according to the Scheme.

Conclusion :

The conclusion shows the all financial ratios and assessment chart of business which helps the bank to conclude the decision to issue the loan.

You can contact us at (0175)5031685 for any query or if you require our services to prepare project report or CMA data.

Sample Project Report

CMA Report and Project Report for Bank loan Prepared by CA's

These CMA Report and  Project reports for Bank Loan will be prepared by Financial Experts and CA’s in coordination with your Bankers and detailed discussion with clients.

Are you a Accountant or Banker? Want a Project Report for bank loan?

We have Special Deal for You to create Project report for Bank Loan for your clients.

Who need CMA Report and Project report for bank loan?

CMA Report and Project Report for Bank Loan is Required By

Business applying for Machinery Loan

Mudra Loan for Business

Cash Credit (CC) Limit for Business

New Business/ Business Startups

MSME Units

Working Capital for Business

Applying for Cattle Purchase

The Business Applying for Real Estate Projects

Frequently Asked Questions for: Project Report for Bank Loan

Easy Return Project Report for Bank Loan Service: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Project Report for Bank Loan? + -

Project Report for Bank Loan is a detailed report to be submitted to Bank along with Loan application. It is future projection and provide detailed analysis of

  • Asset and Liabilities
  • Profit and Loss Statement.
  • Loan Repayment Schedule
  • Important Financial Ratios
  • Cash and Fund Flow analysis.
  • A description of the Project 

2. Who will prepare CMA Report and Project Report for Bank Loan at Easy Return? + -

Our experts with 15 Years of experience will prepare the report. Our Panel includes CA and Ex- Bankers.

3. What details and Documents are required for Project Report for Bank Loan? + -

We need complete understanding of your Business and Loan Requirements. Other documents required are Past 12 Months Bank Statements, Previous Balance Sheets(If any) and Income Tax Records.

4. Can the Project Report for Bank loan be modified later? + -

Yes, during the Bank Loan process Bank may demand modification in documents, Loan amount and therefore project report may need to be changed accordingly. Our team will change the Project report as per Bank requirements without any extra charges.

5. Can I discuss about my project report requirment before applying for the same? + -

Yes , Before applying to us for Project Report/ CMA data you can have free consultation with our Experts.

6. Should I prepare my CMA Report or Project Report for Bank Loan my self or I should Hire a professional ? + -

The Project report includes Key Financial Ratios and Justifiable projection of your Business outcomes. Our experts knows what Bank is expecting in the report and therefore there are high chances in success of Loan application with Project report prepared by our experts.

7. Is CA Stamp or Seal required on CMA Report and Project Report for Bank Loan? + -

No, Project Report  for Bank Loan /CMA data is projection of up-coming Years. Nobody can certify the Business which is going to happen in Future.

8. How long should be the project report? + -

The Project report shall contain 10-15 pages depend on type of report, the main purpose of report is give proper details to give business details to convince bank for issuing loan.

9. How does financial projection help in a Project report for bank loan? + -

The financial projection shows your business year on year growth, profitiablty and repayment capacity. The bank usually asks for 5-7 years of projection or term period of loan as depends.

10. How do financial projections affect my loan application? + -

The financial projections are key factors for any bank to issue loan. The projection prepared by incompetent person can cause rejection of loan. It should give clear idea and growth aspect of business. Due to incorrect report more than 50% of loans are rejected by Banks.

11. How can I improve my chances of loan approval with the project report? + -

The loan approval chances are depended on project report. The project report prepared by Professional or CAs have more chances in getting loan approved. The better report gives bank confidence upon business.

12. What should I do if my loan application is rejected? + -

The common reason for rejection of a loan is due to improper report. You should consult financial expert about your requirement and business details and reapply loan with better documents.

13. Can I Prepare the Project Report on My Own? + -

The report can be prepared by self definitely. However, there are many key factors that should be kept while preparing the report, otherwise report could lead to rejection of file.

Our CAs  provide expert guidance on financial planning, cost estimation, and regulatory requirements, ensuring the report meets bank standards and increasing the chances of loan approval.

14. How much loan can I get for business? + -

The bank issues loans upto 70-80 % of total project cost like machinery, Office setup, Business expenditure. In some circumstances it may differ due to bank policies and business specifications.

15. Can you modify the project report after submitting it to the bank? + -

Yes, The report can be modified after submitting it to the bank. The bank may ask for some changes to approve the report. We do not charge anything for changing the report.

16. What Common Mistakes Should I Avoid When Preparing the Report? + -

The common mistakes in report seens are showing business growth at very high during initial periods. We need to understand that business may be be generating such sales & profit in starting few years.

17. How Long Does It Take to Prepare a Project Report? + -

Our team prepares the report within 24 hours after getting complete details. The report is prepared after complete discussion with clients so we ca prepare accurate report for better chances of approval.

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