Easy Return

Bank Loan Rejected

Why Project Report for Bank Loan is rejected by Banks?

Why Project Report for Bank Loan is rejected by Banks?

These are 4 common reasons why your Project report for Loan is rejected by Bank
The project report is detailed report of business future years Assets, Liabilities, Profit & Loss Account, Fund Flow, Debt Repayment Capacity and Financial Ratios. These documents are prepared by CA and experts after analyisng the business loan requirement and Bank rules.

There are following reason for rejection of Project report for Bank Loan

Reason 1: Report prepared by Non Professional

Today there are many nonprofessionals in market who give report at without analyzing the report if it will be accepted by Banks. The project report should be thoroughly analysed by experts to check whether it is meeting the bank criteria or not. The report prepared by business from online tools is mostly rejected because they do not meet the bank criteria.

Reason 2: Project Report for Bank Loan prepared by self from Online Tools

There are many websites who provide online tools to attract customer to prepare project report for bank loan by self in 10 minutes. However, the project report prepared by business man himself from these tools mostly does not meet bank criteria because the project report consist many details like Future Assets, Liabilities, Fund Flow, Working Capital, Profit & Loss account about which business man is not aware.

There are better chances of Loan Approval of Project Report of Bank Loan prepared by CA & Experts.

Reason 3: Incomplete Project Report for Bank Loan

There are many samples and formats available on internet to create project report for Bank loan. However these formats are Incomplete and does not contain vital financial parameters and Key Financial Ratios.
It is always suggested to get the project report for bank loan prepared by qualified professional only.

Click here to Apply for Project report for Bank Loan to be prepared by CA’s and Finance Expert at Easy Return.

Reason 4: Project report not prepared according the Bank Loan scheme.

There are many schemes by Government and Banks to provide loan to your business. For example Loan under

  • Mudra Scheme.
  • CGTMS Scheme.
  • National Small Industrial Corporation Loan.
  • SIDBI Loan.
  • Credit-Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme.
  • Any State Government Scheme.

However many reports submitted to banks are not as per the scheme requirement.

Consult a Professional Company – Easy Return to get the Project Report for Bank Loan prepared according to the Scheme.

Any confusion about Project Report?

Talk to our Tax Experts and let them Build Your Project Reprt for bank loan!

Why Project Report for Bank Loan is required by Bank?

There are many schemes by Government and Banks to provide loan to your business. For example Loan under

  • Mudra Scheme.
  • CGTMS Scheme.
  • National Small Industrial Corporation Loan.
  • SIDBI Loan.
  • Credit-Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme.
  • Any State Government Scheme.

However many reports submitted to banks are not as per the scheme requirement.

Consult a Professional Company – Easy Return to get the Project Report for Bank Loan prepared according to the Scheme.

How should a Project Report for Bank Loan be like?

This critical document is the cornerstone of your loan application, providing lenders with a detailed understanding of your business venture. In this article, we delve into the components of a winning project report and offer guidance on crafting one that persuasively presents your case for financing.

What does Project Report for Bank Loan Consists?

The Project report for bank Loan consists details and projection of business future years Assets, Liabilities, Profit & Loss Account, Fund Flow, Debt Repayment Capacity and Financial Ratios. Here is details of particulars in project report for Bank Loan-


There are two types of Assets shown in project report for Bank loan –

Fixed Assets:

The assets that business plans to use for long term and more than 12 months in life for Example- Furniture, Machinery, Vehicles etc.

Current Asset:

The assets that business plans to use for short Term and less than 12 months in life for Example: Stock, Receivables, Bank Balances etc.


The Liability part is divided in three parts in project report for loan which are as follows-

Capital Fund:

This is fund introduced by owner of firm which can be Proprietor, Partnership firm, Pvt Ltd or Public Ltd Company.

Long Term Liabilities:

The long term liabilities are liabilities which are payable after period of 12 months for Example- Bank Term Loan, Any other Loan etc.

Current Liabilities:

The current liabilities are liabilities which are payable within 12 months for example Vendor Payables, Salary Payable, etc.

How many year Project Report for bank Loan is made?

The bank ask project report for analyzing the business in future year to ascertain the debt repayment capacity of client. The number of year of project report depends upon number of year of Loan taken by customer.

For Example if customer apply for Loan 5 years then bank also ask for Project report of future 5 Years.

Is CA signature are required on Project Report for Bank Loan?

No, the CA signature are not required on Project report for Bank Loan, because no one can confirm the exact figures of Future. The project report is prepared on estimated basis of business plans. However, Easy Return has best Financial experts to help client to prepare project reports.

Why should Project Report for Bank Loan should be prepare from CA or Financial Experts?

The project report prepared by CA and experts has more chances of Loan approval, because they know the norms, rules & formats accepted by banks. Many of Loan cases are rejected by banks because
Tips for a Compelling Project Report

Professionalism: Ensure your report is well-structured, neatly formatted, and free from errors.

Data-Driven: Support your assertions with market research, competitive analysis and sound financial calculations.

Clarity & Conciseness: Present your project in a straightforward, logical, and easy-to-follow manner. Avoid unnecessary jargon.

Risk Mitigation: Address potential risks facing your project and present proactive strategies for handling them.

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